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Gray’s Inn is proud to host this Pro Bono Week event.

Rule of Law & Access to Justice: where do we go from here? Panel Discussion

Does the law need a rebrand?

There can be few times in the modern history of the UK where the Rule of Law has remained at the forefront of public attention and discussion for such a sustained period – whether it is governmental “tinkering” with judicial review, the backlog in the court system, to some concerning narrative about lawyers practising in the immigration and criminal justice systems.

As important as that focus has been, it often leaves a hugely important question unanswered: where do we go from here?

Lawyers almost universally see the Rule of Law as fundamental, but that seems some way off outside of the profession? If we are to protect the Rule of Law (and drive an environment where upholding the Rule of Law is seen as non-negotiable), the public at large need to feel the same way.

Having considered this question previously, the panel will return to give an update on the “state of the union” of the Rule of Law in the UK. From there, we will turn to continue our debate on what can be done to begin to deliver this. Can the law, and justice be rebranded? Can businesses be made to care and champion the Rule of Law? What, or who might get the public to value access to justice?


Chair: Paul Hodkinson (Editor-In-Chief of International)

  • Baroness Hale of Richmond (former President of the UK Supreme Court),
  • Joshua Cameron (Managing Director, FTI Consulting)
  • Baroness Helena Kennedy KC (Director of the IBA Human Rights Institute)
  • Abiodun Michael Olatokun FRSA (Campaigner, academic and lawyer)

Event details

Open to all

Date and time: Monday 13 November, 5.30pm – 8pm

Registration open from 5pm

Registration location: Hybrid

  • At the Inn: Bencher’s Entrance
  • Online: via Zoom

Cost: Free

How to book

Booking now open via Eventbrite:


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